

This past weekend we ventured out to Long Island for a little get away and some family bonding.  It was Mike’s first time to New York, and it was really cool to be able to show him where I was born and to...
sometimes I get butterflies…

sometimes I get butterflies…

I received this butterfly bush as a gift at the end of last summer and, not knowing exactly what it was, tucked it away neatly into a little corner of my flower bed and forgot about it (at this point it was about a...
stars and stripes

stars and stripes

Our 4th of July was filled with sun, hard work, cool beers, yard games, relaxation, and about 15 trips to the hardware store.  I started my newest project, restoring some old walnut furniture, and in true fashion...
friday this and that

friday this and that

This week, I am in love with… My newest homemade cleaning concoction. Since the pup has a thing for licking the shower walls (?) I figured it was time to make a little green switch. It’s amazing what a...
all dogs love God…

all dogs love God…

This weekend was full of long walks, sunny days, sandy skin, and Jack Kerouac; exactly what the doctor ordered.  While I didn’t spend much time with my camera (due to some serious over relaxing), I...
waffles, play dates, and repurposing

waffles, play dates, and repurposing

Right now is my favorite time of year, something I like to call pre-summer. The weather is beautiful, the bugs aren’t too horrible yet (my fresh blood down here is like crack to Chincoteague mosquitos), and...